Horizontal LFC

Aeolus H (Telstar®)

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Telstar’s Aeolus H series consists of a range of horizontal laminar flow cabinets designed to handle non-dangerous substances that require a particle-free environment. These cabinets provide the highest level of protection for the product.

They feature a HEPA H14 filter that generates a horizontal laminar flow (crossed flow) that gives rise to a work area in accordance with standards ISO 14644-1 (Class 3) and GMP, Appendix 1 (Grade A*). All of this prevents atmospheric air from entering the work area, ensuring that the product is protected.

The detection probe ensures that the airstream speed is adjusted in real time, resulting in optimum working conditions.

Aeolus H is available in 4 different sizes (90, 120, 150 and 180 wide) and features a list of options and accessories that enable this cabinet to adapt to most applications.

Aeolus horizontal laminar flow systems provide a sterile, particle-free work environment thanks to the area being continuously swept by a unidirectional horizontal flow of ultrafiltered air. The positive pressure created inside the cabinet prevents exterior air from entering the work area.

  • Low energy consumption and low level of bothersome noise.
  • Compliance with safety standards.
  • Intuitive, easy-to-use control panel.
  • Ergonomic design that enables optimum handling on the part of the operator.
  • Low maintenance cost.



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