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Integration with CTMS. It obtains and maintains updated information on the list of clinical trials, information on patients and their identification number, the list of stakeholders and assigned personnel, and the arms of the trial.

Trial characterization. Configuration and maintenance of the list of clinical trials of any type: randomized, masked, etc. Information for the process of prescription, validation, preparation and administration of treatments.

Definition and registration of treatment schemes in pre-screening trial, screening, versions, arms, pharmacy scheme and nursing sheets.

Administration: Efficient and optimized management of the resources and agenda of the day hospital, including appointment synchronization, daily rescheduling, service planning, extra appointments, sampling, sedations, etc.

Precription: Patient candidate, follow-up, discontinuation, EOT, (IV, oral).

Pharmacy warehouse management of drugs and other consumables provided by the sponsor, commercial medication provided by the hospital, stock control, inputs, outputs, dispensing to patients, quarantines, temperatures, destructions, etc.

Validation and qualitative and quantitative pharmaceutical process: elaboration and quality control of preparations, activity monitoring, and pharmaceutical care.

Nursing: recording of administrations, variables and constants, management of kits and sampling, informed consents.

Coordination of patient visits: it assigns the patient’s identifier in the trial to complete the trial prescription, consultation of information from the nursing sheets and the batches/kits dispensed to each patient. It facilitates the completion of the CRF’s of the trial to the Data entry.

Monitoring according to permissions established by configuration, consultation of treatment schedules and reports, tracking of stocks, dispensing, patients, pharmacy, monitoring, history, etc. It facilitates remote monitoring.

Billing: it allows the identification of trial items reimbursable by the sponsor, and the generation of medication dispensing reports. It allows the integration with billing systems.

TrialProcess provides great advantages and benefits. Among the most significant, it guarantees the safety of the patient and the health professional, avoiding errors throughout the process. It ensures and provides an organized work process and offers a complete traceability, assuring the quality of the data.

It guarantees and ensures the specific process of the Hospital Pharmacy Service, in its responsibility over the pharmacotherapeutic chain in its logistic activities, as well as in its clinical and compounding activities.

TrialProcess monitors all actions, recording a large amount of data and information throughout the entire process. This information is available through the data exploitation module and allows the generation of any type of analysis and report, both internal to the Institution itself, as well as in response to those required by audits and quality and safety controls of regulatory agencies and sponsors.

TrialProcess allows the monitoring and control of the entire process, as well as the direct communication between all the professionals involved in the trial: sponsors, pharmacists, doctors, nurses, coordinators, monitors, etc. If allowed by the Institution, the sponsor will be able to remotely access the information, thus avoiding physical visits to the center.

Funcionalidades Sistema TrialProcess Gestión Integral Ensayos Clínicos 040822

The cost of this product may vary due to differences in configurations, associated services, specific offers or in cases of public tenders. It is therefore recommended contacting the supplier to assess the specific case.


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